Blurams Camera Not Connecting to Wifi: Causes & Fixes

If your Blurams camera is not connecting to Wi-Fi, it can prevent you from accessing important features and functions. In this guide, we will cover the common causes of a Blurams camera not connecting to Wi-Fi and provide tips and troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue. 

Whether you’re experiencing issues with your Wi-Fi settings, interference, distance, outdated firmware, or other factors, this guide will provide the information you need to get your Blurams camera back online and connected to your Wi-Fi network. 

Blurams Camera Not Connecting to Wifi: Causes & DIY Fixes

blurams camera not connecting to wifi

1. Incorrect Wi-Fi settings

The first and most common cause of a Blurams camera not connecting to Wi-Fi is incorrect Wi-Fi settings. This could be due to an incorrect Wi-Fi password, incorrect Wi-Fi network name, or incorrect Wi-Fi security settings

To troubleshoot this issue, check the Wi-Fi settings on your camera and ensure they match the settings on your router.

2. Interference

Definitely a common issue when using WiFi at home. The cause of a Blurams camera not connecting to Wi-Fi could be due to interference. This can be caused by other electronic devices in the same area, such as phones, tablets, and laptops, which can interfere with the camera’s signal.

To solve this issue, try moving the camera to a different location, away from other electronic devices, and see if the connection improves.

3. Distance

The distance between the camera and the router can also affect the Wi-Fi connection. If the camera is too far away from the router, the signal may be too weak for the camera to connect. To fix this issue, try moving the camera closer to the router and see if the connection improves.

4. Outdated firmware

Another potential cause of a Blurams camera not connecting to Wi-Fi is outdated firmware. If the camera’s firmware is out of date, it may not be compatible with the latest Wi-Fi standards, which can cause connectivity issues.

To troubleshoot this issue, check for updates on the camera’s firmware and install any available updates.

5. Hardware issues

In some cases, a Blurams camera may not connect to Wi-Fi due to hardware issues. This could be due to a faulty Wi-Fi card, damaged antenna, or other hardware failures.

Solving this problem would require checking the camera’s hardware and ensuring it is functioning properly. If necessary, contact Blurams customer support for assistance.

6. Router issues

Chances are you’re dealing with a problem that has nothing to do with the camera but rather, your router. This could be due to a faulty router, an overloaded network, or other router issues.

To get this fixed, check the router’s settings and ensure it is functioning properly. If necessary, restart the router or contact your internet service provider for assistance.

7. Network congestion

If there are too many devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network, it can cause congestion and affect the camera’s ability to connect. This is a simple fix that wouldn’t take a while.

To troubleshoot this issue, try disconnecting some of the devices on the network and see if the camera’s connection improves.

8. Security issues

 If the Wi-Fi network has security settings enabled, such as WPA2 or WPA3, the camera may not be able to connect. To troubleshoot this issue, check the security settings on your Wi-Fi network and ensure they match the settings on the camera.

9. Multiple Wi-Fi networks

With multiple Wi-Fi networks in the same area, the camera may have difficulty connecting to the correct one. To fix this, ensure that the camera is connected to the correct Wi-Fi network and that there are no other networks in the same area that could interfere with the connection.

10. Power issues

The camera needs power to run. If the camera is not receiving enough power, it may not be able to connect to Wi-Fi. This could be due to a faulty power adapter, a low battery, or other power issues.

To get this fixed, ensure that the camera is properly powered and that the power adapter is functioning properly. If necessary, replace the power adapter or recharge the battery.

11. Firewall settings

Though not common, this issue is also worth checking out.  If the Wi-Fi network has a firewall enabled, it may block the camera’s connection. Solving this would require checking the firewall settings on the Wi-Fi network and ensuring that the camera is not being blocked. If necessary, add the camera to the list of trusted devices on the network.

12. Compatibility issues

In some cases, the camera may not be compatible with the Wi-Fi network or router. To troubleshoot this issue, check the compatibility of the camera and router and ensure that they are compatible with each other. If necessary, update the firmware on the router or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

13. Network downtime

If the Wi-Fi network is experiencing downtime or other issues, the camera may not be able to connect. Fixing this is as simple as checking the status of the Wi-Fi network and ensure that it is functioning properly. If necessary, contact your internet service provider for assistance

How to Connect Blurams Camera to Wi-Fi

Connecting a Blurams camera to Wi-Fi is an essential step in using the camera’s features and accessing its settings. 

To connect a Blurams camera to Wi-Fi, follow these steps:

  • Make sure the camera is powered on and within range of the Wi-Fi network.
  • Access the camera’s settings and navigate to the Wi-Fi settings.
  • Select the correct Wi-Fi network from the list of available networks and enter the password, if necessary.
  • Save the settings and wait for the camera to connect to the Wi-Fi network.
  • Once the camera is connected to the Wi-Fi network, you can access the camera’s features and settings through the mobile app or web interface.
  • If you are experiencing issues connecting the camera to Wi-Fi, refer to the causes and troubleshooting tips listed above for assistance. If necessary, contact Blurams customer support for further assistance.

Wrapping Up

There are many reasons why your Blurams camera is not connecting to Wi-Fi, including incorrect Wi-Fi settings, interference, distance, outdated firmware, hardware issues, router issues, network congestion, and security issues.

To troubleshoot these issues, check the Wi-Fi settings on your camera and router, move the camera to a different location, check for firmware updates, and ensure the camera’s hardware is functioning properly.